Do you want to add a twice email field to sr_feuser_register like the password one?
It’s simple following these 4 steps
- Read the documentation to add personal fields
- Add custom “email_again” field in the HTML template
- Add custom label in TypoScript
- Add eval rule in TypoScript
First: I assume you done this step before, if not read this
Second: add “email_again” field in the sr_feuser_register html template
<!— ###SUB_INCLUDED_FIELD_email### —>
<label for=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-email”>###LABEL_EMAIL### ###REQUIRED_EMAIL###</label>
<!— ###SUB_ERROR_FIELD_email### —>
<p class=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-error”>###EVAL_ERROR_FIELD_email###</p>
<!— ###SUB_ERROR_FIELD_email### —>
<!— ###SUB_REQUIRED_FIELD_email### —>
<p class=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-error”>###MISSING_EMAIL###</p>
<!— ###SUB_REQUIRED_FIELD_email### —>
<input id=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-email” type=”text” class=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-text full” size=”40” maxlength=”255” title=”###TOOLTIP_EMAIL###” name=”###NAME_EMAIL###” />
<label for=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-email_again” class=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-text full”>###LABEL_EMAIL_AGAIN###</label>
<input id=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-email_again” type=”text” class=”tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-text full” size=”40” maxlength=”255” title=”” name=”FE[fe_users][email_again]” />
<!— ###SUB_INCLUDED_FIELD_email### —>
Third: add custom labels in TypoScript:
plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1.extraLabels (
plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.default {
email_again = please repeat your email address
tooltip_email_again =
missing_email_again = missing email
evalErrors_twice_email_again = emails must be the same!
} {
email_again = ripeti la tua email
tooltip_email_again =
missing_email_again = manca la seconda email
evalErrors_twice_email_again = devono essere uguali!
Fourth: add the right rule in TypoScript
plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1 {
# the new rule applied to email field, not email_again field. = required,email,twice,atMost[255]}
Hints: to change the template file use
plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1 {
# the new template file
templateFile = fileadmin/template/tx_srfeuserregister_pi1_css_tmpl_01.html