Scrum for web agencies, does it really works?

On last T3CON19 I was having a speech about how Scrum works in web agencies.

My slides are visible on slideshare

Enjoy :-)

Install ckeditor 4 version basic via npm

Instead of installing the full version and disabling plugins in the configuration you can get the basic version via npm using the ckeditor-releases repository.

run in terminal:
npm i ckeditor/ckeditor-releases#full/latest --save

or just add to your package.json:

"dependencies": { 
    "ckeditor": "github:ckeditor/ckeditor-releases#basic/latest", 

Serveo is a ngrok like free alternative to expose your localhost

Serveo is an alternative to ngrok.

PRO: does not need to download a software or to register to a service

CONS: no fancy dashboard


ssh -R 80:

it generates a subdomain like  that redirect the traffic on your local machine on local port 32775:

I'm using it on DDEV and works also with the XCode Simulator.

check it out at

Git delete merged branches


git branch --merged | egrep -v "(master|development)" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

Dry run

git branch --merged | egrep -v "(master|development)" | xargs -n 1 echo


git branch -r --merged | egrep -v "(master|development)"| grep origin | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin

Dry run

git branch -r --merged | egrep -v "(master|development)"| grep origin | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs -n 1 echo

Once you delete the branch from the remote, you can prune to get rid of remote tracking branches with:

git remote prune origin

CSS hover apply to parent elements

Imagine you want apply the hover effect to the whole parent element but just when mouse over a child element, pure CSS no JS

Here the trick:

Mac Xdebug PHPStorm DDEV Docker when the normal configuration fails

Setting up Xdebug on PHPStorm seems pretty straightforward, easy and quick, just following the brainless Zero-Configuration Debugging right?

Well not in my case. Or better, it was working fine but suddenly it stopped working. And after resetting everything and digging hours on stackoverflow and blogs, at the end I came to this solution, basicly forcing docker and my Mac tunnelling

Here my solution

If you want read the full article when I come to the working solution, click here:

TYPO3 on Mac easy with DDEV and Docker

Do you like have a TYPO3 dev environment or just testing the new version 9 on MacOS?
Follow those simple steps with ddev: